Interactive Popup Notifications

for Real Estate

A “Hot” market reduces the average time-to-sell by 40% (from 25 to 15 weeks). Fomotify generates this effect whenever someone views your listings.

Social Proof Popup Widgets reveal to your visitors that a property is in demand, indicating when someone schedules a viewing or submits an offer. Social Proof contributes to the creation of a “Hot Market,” elevating the frequency of transactions and the value of each sale.


Why real-time Social Proof Is Essential For Real Estate Marketing

98% of Millennial buyers find their home online, but the average customer visits many properties before committing to one.

Social Proof Popups show when someone books a viewing or makes an offer. By highlight interesting in a property, they prevent potential buyers from procrastinating. That reduces the time it takes to sell a house.

Reduce Average Days On the Market

Increase Your Average Sold Price

Generate More Transactions and Revenue

    Try Fomotify For Free

    Increase Your Conversion Rate The Smart Way

    Decrease Time On The Market

    By syncing Fomotify with your scheduling applications, you can display each time someone schedules a house viewing or places an offer. Recent Activity Popup Widgets generate a sense of scarcity, prompting potential buyers to act swiftly to avoid missing out.


    Boost Your Average Selling Price

    Buyers frequently reduce their offers if a property exceeds 30 DOM (Days on the Market). A “Buyers Market” prolongs the selling period and depresses property values.

    Augmenting a property’s listing with Popularity Popup Widgets can instill a sense of urgency. Awareness that another buyer is interested in the same property motivates potential buyers to act promptly. This also increases the likelihood of them agreeing to the property’s listed price.

    Easy Setup + Integrate with ANY Website

    No matter which platform your website is built on. Fomotify will work on your website with ease

    Are you missing engagement with your website visitors or experiencing low conversation rate. Our software is fully-managed service that takes care of Social proofing and created FOMO notification effectively and instantly.

    Set Triggers and Watch User Engagement Grow

    Each plan incorporates

    Our software is built around consumer psychology

    to convert more of your visitors into buyers

    Drag & drop workspace

    Easily create sequences with the Stream builder

    Powerful Integrations

    Combine Pop-up widgets with other tools to create high-powered Popups

    Fomotify library

    Choose from a selection of pre-built templates

    Live data communication

    Show customers exactly what’s happening whilst they browse

    Unlimited Variations

    Create as many different Pop-ups as you like

    Interactive Popup features

    Use clickable elements to make your Pop-up notifications interactive

    Start for FREE and see your conversions grow

    Find out how our marketing solution work with your business